* Lausleg þýðing úr ensku: "The day on which the wedding was to be held arrived and while musical instruments were playing she was singing in her heart to God alone saying: Make my heart and my body pure that I may not be confounded.".
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- Hvað aðgreinir kaþólska trú frá lúterskri? eftir Hauk Má Helgason.
- Hvenær dó heilagur Valentínus? Hverrar trúar var hann? eftir HMH.
- Cecilia, Saint. Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
- Jenkins, B. F. (1998). Saint Cecilia: Patron saint of church music.
- Saint Cecilia. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
- St. Cecilia. Catholic Encyclopedia.
- Myndin er af Image:St cecilia guido reni.jpg. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.