Sólin Sólin Rís 04:20 • sest 22:46 í Reykjavík
Tunglið Tunglið Rís 22:56 • Sest 14:35 í Reykjavík
Flóð Flóð Árdegis: 10:51 • Síðdegis: 23:16 í Reykjavík
Fjaran Fjara Árdegis: 04:39 • Síðdegis: 16:58 í Reykjavík
Sólin Sólin Rís 04:20 • sest 22:46 í Reykjavík
Tunglið Tunglið Rís 22:56 • Sest 14:35 í Reykjavík
Flóð Flóð Árdegis: 10:51 • Síðdegis: 23:16 í Reykjavík
Fjaran Fjara Árdegis: 04:39 • Síðdegis: 16:58 í Reykjavík
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What is the shortest sentence in Icelandic to contain all the letters of the Icelandic alphabet?

Guðrún Kvaran

Árnastofnun - mynd í *Árnarstofnun
Despite searching, I have not found a sentence that is said to be the shortest containing all the letters of the alphabet. It would need to have:
aá b d ð eé f g h ií j k l m n oó p r s t uú v x yý þ æ ö = 32 letters.
It is a good party game to try to make such a sentence but not an easy one. One would usually have to use some letters more than once. The following sentences were made in a party: :
  • Hyldýpi þjóðfélagsins vex úr kærkomnu böli í ást. (42 letters)
  • Þá heyrði Pési djöflasöng óma úr uxakví og bæ Týs. (41 letters)
Now it is for the reader to try!

Translated by Paul Richardson.

Further answers in English:


Guðrún Kvaran





Davíð Kristjánsson


Guðrún Kvaran. „What is the shortest sentence in Icelandic to contain all the letters of the Icelandic alphabet?“ Vísindavefurinn, 5. mars 2005, sótt 27. júlí 2024, https://visindavefur.is/svar.php?id=4795.

Guðrún Kvaran. (2005, 5. mars). What is the shortest sentence in Icelandic to contain all the letters of the Icelandic alphabet? Vísindavefurinn. https://visindavefur.is/svar.php?id=4795

Guðrún Kvaran. „What is the shortest sentence in Icelandic to contain all the letters of the Icelandic alphabet?“ Vísindavefurinn. 5. mar. 2005. Vefsíða. 27. júl. 2024. <https://visindavefur.is/svar.php?id=4795>.

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What is the shortest sentence in Icelandic to contain all the letters of the Icelandic alphabet?
Despite searching, I have not found a sentence that is said to be the shortest containing all the letters of the alphabet. It would need to have:

aá b d ð eé f g h ií j k l m n oó p r s t uú v x yý þ æ ö = 32 letters.
It is a good party game to try to make such a sentence but not an easy one. One would usually have to use some letters more than once. The following sentences were made in a party: :
  • Hyldýpi þjóðfélagsins vex úr kærkomnu böli í ást. (42 letters)
  • Þá heyrði Pési djöflasöng óma úr uxakví og bæ Týs. (41 letters)
Now it is for the reader to try!

Translated by Paul Richardson.

Further answers in English:...