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Niðurstöður leitar - 5 svör fundust

What is the origin of the Icelandic language?

Icelandic belongs to the branch of the original indo-European known as Germanic. The Germanic languages divided early into three sub families: East Germanic is considered to comprise only one language, Gothic, which was spoken by the ancient race of Goths, and is now extinct. Sources about this can be found...


How did the Icelandic language start?

When Iceland was first settled in the 9th century, most of the settlers came from Norway, some of whom took slaves from Ireland en route. During the first centuries, the same language was spoken in Norway and Iceland, so there was little difference and the vocabulary was mostly Norse, with the exception of a f...


Hvenær og af hverju urðu fornaldarsögur til?

Í umfjöllun um fornaldarsögur (samanber einnig fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda) er mikilvægt að hafa í huga hversu fjölbreyttar sögurnar eru og hversu illa þær falla að skýrt afmörkuðum tegundamörkum. Það er því sitthvað að fjalla um sögurnar sem bókmenntagrein eða þá efnivið sagnanna, upptök hans, þróun og endurnýjun....


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