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Er ekki vonlaust fyrir Íslendinga að svara þessum 2500 spurningum til að komast í Evrópusambandið?

Ísland er búið að svara öllum spurningunum sem Olli Rehn stækkunarstjóri Evrópusambandsins afhenti stjórnvöldum fyrir þremur dögum! Aldrei fyrr í sögunni hefur fámenn þjóð svarað svo mörgum spurningum jafn hratt og örugglega! (Við erum best!) Þessi mynd var tekin þegar Olli Rehn afhenti Jóhönnu Sigurðardóttur spu...

category-iconAnswers in English

What is the origin of the Icelandic language?

Icelandic belongs to the branch of the original indo-European known as Germanic. The Germanic languages divided early into three sub families: East Germanic is considered to comprise only one language, Gothic, which was spoken by the ancient race of Goths, and is now extinct. Sources about this can be found...

category-iconEðlisfræði: fræðileg

How far into the sky does the light from Yoko Ono's Peace Tower travel?

The short answer is that there is no particular limit to the distance it travels. If we were out in space and inside the ray of light, and there were no clouds between us and the light source, we could see it, either with the naked eye or with the appropriate equipment. With sufficiently good equipment, we would...

category-iconMálvísindi: íslensk

Hvernig komst Dalvík inn í Android-stýrikerfið?

Íslensk örnefni hafa stundum lagt land undir fót. Í Vesturheimi er að finna mörg örnefni sem Vestur-Íslendingar tóku með sér yfir hafið í lok 19. aldar. Þar er nú að finna nöfn eins og Gimli, Reykjavík, Árbakki og Bifröst. Á Íslandi er svo á hinn bóginn að finna mörg örnefni sem eiga uppruna sinn í Noregi og víðar...

category-iconAnswers in English

What is the shortest sentence in Icelandic to contain all the letters of the Icelandic alphabet?

Despite searching, I have not found a sentence that is said to be the shortest containing all the letters of the alphabet. It would need to have:aá b d ð eé f g h ií j k l m n oó p r s t uú v x yý þ æ ö = 32 letters.It is a good party game to try to make such a sentence but not an easy one. One would usually have ...


Hverjir eru helstu áhættuþættir kransæðastíflu og hver er dánartíðni sjúkdómsins?

Þrátt fyrir að mikið hafi áunnist í hinum betur megandi löndum herja hjarta- og æðasjúkdómar með vaxandi þunga á lönd sem raðast neðar á tekjulista heimsins, en í þeim löndum er sjúkdómsbyrðin nú þyngst. Í heiminum öllum valda hjarta- og æðasjúkdómar um 17,3 milljónum dauðsfalla á ári og er því spáð að sú tala mun...

category-iconLífvísindi: dýrafræði

Hvað hefur vísindamaðurinn Guðrún Jóhanna Stefánsdóttir rannsakað?

Guðrún Jóhanna Stefánsdóttir er lektor við hestafræðideild Hólaskóla – Háskólans á Hólum. Guðrún hefur stundað rannsóknir á hestum í rúm 20 ár. Aðalviðfangsefnið hefur verið á sviði þjálfunarlífeðlisfræði íslenska hestsins en einnig hefur hún rannsakað liti íslenska hestsins og fóðrun hesta. Í meistaranámi sínu í ...

category-iconSagnfræði: Íslandssaga

Hvaða rannsóknir hefur Guðmundur Jónsson stundað?

Guðmundur Jónsson er prófessor í sagnfræði við Háskóla Íslands. Hann lauk BA-námi í sagnfræði og þjóðfélagsfræði við Háskóla Íslands 1979 og cand. mag. prófi í sagnfræði við sama skóla 1983. Á árunum 1978-1987 kenndi Guðmundur í menntaskólum en hóf síðan doktorsnám í hagsögu við London School of Economics and Poli...

category-iconMálvísindi: íslensk

Why do male last names in Icelandic end with -son instead of -sonur?

In Old Icelandic, when the word sonr formed the second part of a compound, i.e. Magnús-son, Sigurðs-son, the final -r (-ur) was dropped in nominative singular, and the same morphology is used in Modern Icelandic. E.g.: Nom. Magnús Sigurðsson (son(u)r) Acc. Magnús Sigurðsson (son) Dat. Magnúsi Si...

category-iconAnswers in English

How did the Icelandic language start?

When Iceland was first settled in the 9th century, most of the settlers came from Norway, some of whom took slaves from Ireland en route. During the first centuries, the same language was spoken in Norway and Iceland, so there was little difference and the vocabulary was mostly Norse, with the exception of a f...

category-iconAnswers in English

Are portmanteau words frequent in Icelandic?

Portmanteau words are quite rare in Icelandic, and that kind of word formation is not a part of the regular way of making new words for the Icelandic vocabulary. I have asked quite many people, e.g. the lexicographers at the lexicographical department of the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies and some ...

category-iconAnswers in English

How many words are there in Icelandic for the devil?

It is difficult to say how many words there are for devil in Icelandic. Most of the known examples owe their existence to the fact that it was not considered proper to name the devil, so he was referred to by nicknames or by mutation of his name. In the Icelandic thesaurus the following words are listed under fjan...

category-iconAnswers in English

How many words are there in Icelandic?

It is impossible to say exactly how many words there are in Icelandic. Words are made every day, some of which may only be used once. These are usually compound words that are made because some event or object has to be instantly described, and there are no suitable existing words to choose from. Such words, whic...

category-iconAnswers in English

Are there rules that say when words in Icelandic should be masculine, feminine and neuter? For a foreigner it is not enough to add an article.

In Icelandic, words almost always have a fixed gender, and it is seldom possible to deduce the gender from the stem. There are only a few examples of words that exist in more than one gender. It is however true of hveiti and jógúrt, which have both feminine and neuter forms, and regnskúr which can be either mascul...

category-iconLífvísindi: almennt

Geta líffræðingar greint DNA úr hvaða sýni sem er, til dæmis úr gömlum bút af naflastreng?

Á síðustu árum hafa rannsóknir á DNA gjörbreytt þekkingu okkar á líffræði, jafnt á starfsemi lífvera sem sögu lífs á jörðinni, skyldleika tegunda og dreifingu þeirra. Með notkun sameindaaðferða (PCR e. polymerase chain reaction) má fjölfalda búta úr erfðaefni úr ýmsum vefjum svo að aðeins lítið magn af DNA getur d...

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