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Niðurstöður leitar - 3821 svör fundust

Hvað er Bangsímon gamall?

Rithöfundurinn A. A. Milne gaf út sína fyrstu sögu um Bangsímon eða "Winnie the Pooh", eins og hann heitir á frummálinu, þann 14. október árið 1926. Ef við miðum við að það sé "fæðingardagur" Bangsímons á hann þess vegna 77 ára afmæli á þessu ári. Bangsinn ljúfi í sögum Milne dró nafn sitt af leikfangabangsa Ch...


Fyrir hverju barðist Nelson Mandela?

Barist gegn kynþáttaaðskilnaði Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela fæddist 18. júlí árið 1918 í þorpi nálægt Umtata í Suður-Afríku. Hann lagði stund á nám í lögfræði við háskólann í Witwatersrand og árið 1952 opnaði hann lögmannstofu ásamt Oliver Tambo, sem seinna varð forseti Afríska þjóðarþingsins (e. African Natio...


How far into the sky does the light from Yoko Ono's Peace Tower travel?

The short answer is that there is no particular limit to the distance it travels. If we were out in space and inside the ray of light, and there were no clouds between us and the light source, we could see it, either with the naked eye or with the appropriate equipment. With sufficiently good equipment, we would...


How many words are there in Icelandic for the devil?

It is difficult to say how many words there are for devil in Icelandic. Most of the known examples owe their existence to the fact that it was not considered proper to name the devil, so he was referred to by nicknames or by mutation of his name. In the Icelandic thesaurus the following words are listed under fjan...


How did the Icelandic language start?

When Iceland was first settled in the 9th century, most of the settlers came from Norway, some of whom took slaves from Ireland en route. During the first centuries, the same language was spoken in Norway and Iceland, so there was little difference and the vocabulary was mostly Norse, with the exception of a f...


How many words are there in Icelandic?

It is impossible to say exactly how many words there are in Icelandic. Words are made every day, some of which may only be used once. These are usually compound words that are made because some event or object has to be instantly described, and there are no suitable existing words to choose from. Such words, whic...


Why do male last names in Icelandic end with -son instead of -sonur?

In Old Icelandic, when the word sonr formed the second part of a compound, i.e. Magnús-son, Sigurðs-son, the final -r (-ur) was dropped in nominative singular, and the same morphology is used in Modern Icelandic. E.g.: Nom. Magnús Sigurðsson (son(u)r) Acc. Magnús Sigurðsson (son) Dat. Magnúsi Si...


"Eyes to the right, the nose to the left", hvaða bull er þetta?

Spyrjandi vísar hér líklega til talningaraðferðar í Breska þinginu. Þar koma hins vegar hvorki augu (e. eyes) né nef (e. nose) við sögu heldur: „Ayes to the left, noes to the right“. Orðið „aye“ vísar til samþykkis en „noes“ til neitunar. Aye er einfaldlega gamalt enskt orð fyrir samþykki sem má rekja aftur til...


What is the origin of the Icelandic language?

Icelandic belongs to the branch of the original indo-European known as Germanic. The Germanic languages divided early into three sub families: East Germanic is considered to comprise only one language, Gothic, which was spoken by the ancient race of Goths, and is now extinct. Sources about this can be found...


Are portmanteau words frequent in Icelandic?

Portmanteau words are quite rare in Icelandic, and that kind of word formation is not a part of the regular way of making new words for the Icelandic vocabulary. I have asked quite many people, e.g. the lexicographers at the lexicographical department of the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies and some ...


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