- Hvað er það sem veldur því að rjómi þykknar þegar hann er þeyttur?

Þegar rjómi er þeyttur verða loftbólur innlyksa í honum.
- Natalie Hotrum, N.E. (2004). Emulsion Droplet Spreading at Air/Water Interfaces: Mechanisms and Relevance to the Whipping of Cream. Ph.D. Thesis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. (Sótt 13.5.2022).
- Goff, H.D. (1997). Instability and Partial Coalescence in Whippable Dairy Emulsions. Journal of Dairy Science, 80(10)10, 2620 - 2630. (Sótt 13.5.2022).
- Dairy Processing Handbook. Tetra Pak. (Sótt 13.5.2022).
- Milk Fat. Milk Facts (Sótt 13.5.2022).
- Reglugerð um mjólkurvörur nr. 851 (2012). (Sótt 12.5.2022).
- Lase, K. (2013, 22. apríl). Kitchen Science: Whipped Cream. The Molecular Circus. (Sótt 13.5.2022).
- Bramwell, S. (2019, 21. september). Whipped Cream Won’t Whip? Here Are 15 Reasons Why. Cream Chargers. (Sótt 13.5.2022).
- Freeimageslive.co.uk. (Sótt 13.5.2022).